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How to Download Pokemon Moon Black 2 Rom and Enjoy the Best of Black 2


Download Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM: A Guide for Pokemon Fans

If you are a fan of Pokemon games, you might have heard of Pokemon Moon Black 2. It is a fan-made hack of Pokemon Black 2 that adds many features from the newer generations of Pokemon games. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this hack, including its features, how to download it, how to use cheats, and our review of it. Whether you are looking for a new challenge, a fresh adventure, or just some fun with your favorite Pokemon, this hack might be what you are looking for.

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Features of Pokemon Moon Black 2

Pokemon Moon Black 2 is not your ordinary hack. It is one of the most ambitious and innovative hacks in the DS hacking scene. It introduces many features that are not present in the original game or even in the official games. Here are some of the features that make this hack stand out:

  • Gen 6-7 Pokemon: The hack includes over 100 new Pokemon from the sixth and seventh generations of Pokemon games. You can find them in the wild, in trainer battles, or even as starters. Some of them have new regional forms that are exclusive to this hack.

  • Mega Evolution: The hack also adds the concept of Mega Evolution, which allows certain Pokemon to transform into more powerful forms during battle. You can obtain Mega Stones from various sources and use them to activate Mega Evolution.

  • Alolan Forms: Another feature that this hack borrows from the seventh generation is Alolan Forms. These are alternate forms of some classic Pokemon that have adapted to the different environment of the Alola region. You can encounter them in specific locations or obtain them through evolution.

  • New Regional Forms: In addition to Alolan Forms, this hack also introduces its own regional forms for some Unova Pokemon. These are called Unova Forms and they have different types, abilities, and appearances than their original counterparts. You can find them throughout the region.

  • New Moves and Abilities: The hack also adds some new moves and abilities for the new Pokemon and forms. Some of them are taken from the official games, while others are custom-made for this hack. You can learn them from TMs, HMs, Move Tutors, or leveling up.

  • New Events and Sidequests: The hack also features some new events and sidequests that are not present in the original game. These include new legendary encounters, new rivals, new gym challenges, and more. You can explore them at your own pace and discover some secrets along the way.

Regional Variants in Pokemon Moon Black 2

One of the most interesting features of this hack is the introduction of regional variants. These are Pokemon that have different forms depending on the region they live in. They have different types, abilities, stats, and appearances than their original forms. This hack includes two types of regional variants: Alolan Forms and Unova Forms.

Alolan Forms

Unova Forms

Alolan Forms are alternate forms of some Kanto Pokemon that have adapted to the tropical climate of the Alola region. They were first introduced in Pokemon Sun and Moon and later appeared in Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Some examples of Alolan Forms are Alolan Raichu, Alolan Marowak, Alolan Vulpix, and Alolan Exeggutor.

Unova Forms are alternate forms of some Unova Pokemon that have adapted to the different environment of the Unova region. They are exclusive to this hack and have never appeared in any official game. Some examples of Unova Forms are Unova Tympole, Unova Koffing, Unova Skitty, and Unova Lapras.

You can encounter both types of regional variants in this hack. Some of them can be found in the wild, while others can be obtained through evolution or trading. You can also breed them with their original forms or other regional variants to get more variations.

Characters and Story in Pokemon Moon Black 2

Pokemon Moon Black 2 follows the same story as Pokemon Black 2, but with some changes and additions. You play as a young trainer who sets out on a journey across the Unova region with your friends Hugh and Rosa (or Nate). Along the way, you will meet new characters and face new challenges.

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  • Alolan Gym Leaders: The hack replaces some of the original gym leaders with gym leaders from the Alola region. You will have to face them in order to earn badges and progress in the story. Some of them are Hala, Mallow, Kiawe, and Acerola.

  • Team Skull: The hack also introduces Team Skull as a new villainous team that causes trouble in the region. They are a group of misfits who rebel against society and live by their own rules. They are led by Guzma, who is also a rival of yours.

  • Guzma: Guzma is a new character who appears as a rival and an antagonist in this hack. He is the boss of Team Skull and a former trial captain from Alola. He has a grudge against you and will challenge you several times throughout the game. He uses mostly Bug-type Pokemon and has a signature Golisopod.

Gameplay and Difficulty in Pokemon Moon Black 2

Pokemon Moon Black 2 is not only a visual upgrade, but also a gameplay upgrade. It adds some new elements that make the game more fun and challenging. Here are some of them:

  • Fairy Type: The hack adds the Fairy type, which was introduced in Pokemon X and Y. It is a new type that is strong against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting types, but weak against Poison and Steel types. Some Pokemon have been retyped as Fairy or have gained Fairy as a secondary type.

  • New Moves: The hack also adds some new moves that were introduced in later generations or are custom-made for this hack. Some of them are Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Moonblast, Flare Blitz, Leaf Blade, Dragon Ascent, and more.

  • New Events: The hack also features some new events that are not present in the original game or even in the official games. These include new legendary encounters, new rivals, new gym challenges, and more. You can explore them at your own pace and discover some secrets along the way.

  • Difficulty: The hack also increases the difficulty of the game by making the trainers, gym leaders, and wild Pokemon stronger and smarter. You will have to use your skills and strategies to overcome them. The hack also removes some of the hand-holding features that make the game easier, such as the Exp. Share, the Lucky Egg, and the Audino grinding.

How to Download Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM

If you are interested in playing this hack, you will need two things: a Black 2 ROM and a patcher tool. Here are the steps to download and patch the ROM:

Step 1: Download the patch file from PokéHarbor

The patch file is the file that contains all the changes and modifications that the hack makes to the original game. You can download it from PokéHarbor, which is a website that hosts various Pokemon hacks and fan games. Here is how to download it:

  • Go to and search for Pokemon Moon Black 2.

  • Click on the link that says "Download Pokemon Moon Black 2 (v4.0)".

  • You will be redirected to a Google Drive page where you can download the patch file. It is a zip file that contains two files: a .xdelta file and a .txt file.

  • Download the zip file and extract it to a folder of your choice.

Step 2: Download a Black 2 ROM from a trusted source

A Black 2 ROM is the file that contains the original game data. You will need it to apply the patch file and play the hack. However, downloading ROMs is illegal unless you own a legal copy of the game. Therefore, we cannot provide you with any links or sources for downloading ROMs. You will have to find them on your own or dump them from your own cartridge.

Step 3: Patch the ROM using a tool like xDelta or NUPS

Patching the ROM is the process of applying the patch file to the original game data. This will create a new ROM file that contains the hack. To do this, you will need a tool like xDelta or NUPS, which are programs that can patch ROMs using .xdelta files. Here is how to use them:

  • Download xDelta or NUPS from their respective websites and install them on your computer.

  • Open xDelta or NUPS and select the option to apply a patch.

  • Select the .xdelta file that you downloaded from PokéHarbor as the patch file.

  • Select the Black 2 ROM that you downloaded or dumped as the source file.

  • Select a name and location for the output file. This will be your patched ROM.

  • Click on apply or patch and wait for the process to finish.

Step 4: Load the patched ROM on an emulator or a flashcart

The final step is to load the patched ROM on an emulator or a flashcart. An emulator is a program that can run ROMs on your computer or mobile device. A flashcart is a device that can run ROMs on your actual DS console. Here are some recommendations for emulators and flashcarts:

  • Emulators: Some of the best emulators for DS games are DeSmuME, NO$GBA, Drastic, and MelonDS. You can download them from their official websites or app stores and load the patched ROM as you would load any other game.

  • Flashcarts: Some of the best flashcarts for DS games are R4i Gold, Acekard 2i, DSTWO, and EZ Flash Omega. You can buy them from online stores or local shops and copy the patched ROM to their microSD card. Then, insert the flashcart into your DS console and play as usual.

How to Use Cheats in Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM

Cheats are codes that can modify or enhance your gameplay experience. They can give you unlimited items, money, experience, or even access to hidden features. However, cheats are not part of the original game design and can cause glitches, bugs, or crashes. Therefore, use cheats at your own risk and for fun only. Here are some cheat codes for Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM and how to enter them:

Cheat Codes for Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM

The cheat codes for Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM are mostly compatible with those for Pokemon Black 2. They are usually SD card and insert it into your R4i Gold flashcart.

  • Insert the flashcart into your DS console and turn it on.

  • Select the patched ROM from the menu and press Y.

  • Select Cheat (Y) and press A.

  • Select Add New Cheat and press A.

  • Type a name for the cheat and press Start.

  • Paste the code in the box below and press Start.

  • Select Action Replay as the cheat type and press A.

  • Press B to go back and make sure the cheat is checked.

  • Press B again and start the game.

Review of Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM

Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM is a hack that aims to provide a new and improved experience for Pokemon fans. It has many features that make it stand out from other hacks, such as new Pokemon, new forms, new events, new graphics, and more. However, it also has some drawbacks that might affect your enjoyment of the game. Here are some of the pros and cons of this hack based on user feedback and personal opinion:

Pros of Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM

  • Innovative Features: The hack has many features that are not present in the original game or even in the official games. It introduces new Pokemon, new forms, new moves, new abilities, new events, and more. These features make the game more fun and diverse, as you can encounter and use different Pokemon and strategies.

  • Updated Graphics: The hack also improves the graphics of the game by adding new sprites, tiles, backgrounds, animations, and effects. The game looks more modern and colorful, as it uses elements from the newer generations of Pokemon games. The hack also supports widescreen mode, which makes the game look better on larger screens.

  • New Experience: The hack also provides a new experience for Pokemon fans, as it changes some aspects of the story, characters, and gameplay. You can meet new characters, face new challenges, explore new areas, and discover new secrets. The hack also increases the difficulty of the game, which makes it more challenging and rewarding.

Cons of Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM

  • Glitches and Bugs: The hack also has some glitches and bugs that might affect your gameplay experience. Some of them are minor, such as graphical errors, text errors, or sound errors. Others are major, such as freezing, crashing, or corrupting your save file. These glitches and bugs might occur randomly or due to certain actions or events.

  • Incomplete Content: The hack also has some incomplete content that might disappoint some players. Some of them are planned features that have not been implemented yet, such as Z-Moves, Dynamax, Gigantamax, Galar Forms, etc. Others are existing features that have not been fully developed or polished yet, such as some Pokemon sprites, moves animations, events scripts, etc.


Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM is a hack that offers a lot of features and improvements for Pokemon fans. It is one of the most ambitious and innovative hacks in the DS hacking scene. It introduces many features that are not present in the original game or even in the official games. However, it also has some drawbacks that might affect your enjoyment of the game. It has some glitches and bugs that might cause problems or frustration. It also has some incomplete content that might leave you wanting more or better. Overall, it is a hack that is worth trying if you are looking for a new challenge, a fresh adventure, or just some fun with your favorite Pokemon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM:

  • Q: Is Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM safe to download?

  • A: Yes, Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM is safe to download from PokéHarbor, which is a trusted website that hosts various Pokemon hacks and fan games. However, you should always scan any file that you download with an antivirus program before opening it.

  • Q: Is Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM legal to play?

  • A: No, Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM is not legal to play unless you own a legal copy of Pokemon Black 2. Downloading ROMs is illegal and can get you in trouble with the law. Therefore, we do not condone or encourage piracy in any way.

  • Q: How can I support the creator of Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM?

  • A: You can support the creator of Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM by following him on his social media accounts, such as Twitter, YouTube, and Discord. You can also donate to him via PayPal or Patreon if you want to show your appreciation and help him continue his work.

  • Q: Where can I find more information about Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM?

  • A: You can find more information about Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM on its official website, PokéHarbor. There, you can find the latest updates, news, screenshots, videos, downloads, and more. You can also join the community and interact with other players and fans.

  • Q: How can I report a bug or a glitch in Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM?

  • A: You can report a bug or a glitch in Pokemon Moon Black 2 ROM by contacting the creator via his social media accounts or email. You can also post it on the PokéHarbor forum or the Discord server. Please provide as much detail as possible, such as what happened, when it happened, where it happened, and what device you were using.



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